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사회보장정책연구 국제화 및 국제사회보장 DB 구축 사업

사회보장정책연구 국제화 및 국제사회보장 DB 구축 사업

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    정책자료 2019-07-02

제1장 사회보장정책연구 국제화 및 국제사회보장 DB 구축의 개요 1
제1절 사회보장정책연구 국제화를 위한 국제 컨퍼런스 3
제2절 국제사회보장 DB 구축 22
제2장 제6차 아시아 사회정책 컨퍼런스 25
제1절 Challenges Facing China's Old-age Care Services and Coping Strategies 27
제2절 Long-term transition of population ageing and policy responses in Japan 50
제3절 Research on Pilot Long-term care insurance in China 59
제4절 The New Role of Community Social Services Investment Program with the Introduction of Community Care in Korea 75
제5절 The Supply of Home-based Community care services for the elderly in China 84
제6절 The supply and demand status of rural elderly-care services in China 96
제7절 Trends and challenges of the elderly abuse in Korea 107
제8절 The supply and demand status of rural elderly-care services in China 116
제9절 Trends and challenges of the elderly abuse in Korea 136
제3장 제7차 아시아 사회정책 컨퍼런스 151
제1절 ICT-based Elderly Care Services in Korea 153
제2절 Exploration and Practice of “Embedded” Aged Care Service Model in Chinese Community 167
제3절 The Development of the “Internet Plus” Elderly Care Model in China 182
제4절 Current Issues and Challenges of the Elderly Care Policy in Korea 192
제5절 Analysis of Day Care Model for the Aged in Urban China 202
제6절 Measures and Effectiveness of Promoting the Development of Old-age Care and Industry in Guanxi 217

제4장 제5차 한중일 빈곤 컨퍼런스 239
제1절 Some issues in comparative analysis of poverty in China, Japan and Korea 241
제2절 Multi-dimensional approach to poverty 252
제3절 Explaining multidimensional poverty: An analysis on poor household in China 261
제4절 Analysis of anti-poverty policy and practice in Chinese rural area 272
제5절 Issues and challenges in social policies for working poor in Korea 280
제6절 Analysis of the development of urban and rural social assistance in China 288
제7절 Globalization, commodification of labor & the change of welfare system in China 297
제8절 일본 생활곤궁자자립지원법 305
제9절 Multidimensional child poverty in Korea: Evidence from 2018 national survey of child wellbeing 309
제10절 Will poor children’s test score improve if they study for longer time? 323
제5장 제6차 한중일 빈곤 컨퍼런스 333
제1절 Poverty and inequality in China, Japan & Korea 335
제2절 How to define and probe into poverty from the perspective of China 345
제3절 China’s social policy and poverty reduction 353
제4절 Age structure, family formation and income inequality in Japan 361
제5절 Multi-dimensional poverty in China, Japan, Korea 379
제6절 Relative poverty and multi-dimensional poverty in China 394
제7절 Premature welfare state: Its implication on poverty in East Asia 414
제8절 Policies for the working poor in Korea 423
제9절 Rural migrant workers in different stages and relevant issues 432
제10절 Hard work but not wealthy: Why young migrant workers work in poverty 438

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
제6장 제3차 한·일 사회정책 정례포럼 449
제1절 Immigration policy in ageing Korea: Challenge and Dilemma 451
제2절 Low fertility and foreign worker policies in Eastern Asia 459
제3절 Aging of former migrants: The case of Singapore 467
제4절 Current status and challenges of care worker in Korea 486
제5절 Long-term care workforce in Japan ? The present situation and challenges 497
제6절 “Integrated community care system” in Japan 506


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