Working Papers

Analysis of the Current State of City/Do Social Security Committee Operation and Tasks for Strengthening the Foundation of Regional Social Security

Analysis of the Current State of City/Do Social Security Committee Operation and Tasks for Strengthening the Foundation of Regional Social Security

  • Author

    Kim, Ka-Hee

  • Publication Date


  • Pages


  • Series No.

    워킹페이퍼 2022-05

  • Language


The current City/Do Social Security Committee was introduced as Regional Social Welfare Committee to advise mayor/governor, together with Central Social Welfare Committee to advise the Minister of Health and Welfare, when the Social Welfare Services Act was enacted in 1970. It preceded 20 years the Si/Gun/Gu Social Welfare Committee, which was introduced by reorganizing the Si/Gun/Gu Regional Social Welfare Consultative Body when the Social Welfare Services Act was completely amended in 1993. Despite the history of City/Do Social Security Committee, however, in-depth discussion has not been made about its function and role, and also it is difficult to find independent studies on the committee.
This study starts out of the following awareness of problem: To strengthen the role of broad-area autonomous entities and solidify the foundation for the balanced growth of regional social security from the aspects of strengthening welfare decentralization and enhancing the autonomy of local autonomous entities. it is necessary to strengthen the function of City/Do Social Security Committee and enhance its status. With this awareness, this study analyzes the current state of City/Do Social Security Committee operation and suggests tasks for the activation of City/Do Social Security Committee.


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