Health and Welfare Policy Forum

The Prevalence of Smoking and Its Implications for Tobacco Control Polices in South Korea

  • Author

    Kim, Suyoung, Kim, Gilyong

  • Page


  • PubDate

    2022. 05.

  • Language


The prevalence of smoking among men in South Korea has declined by 50% compared to its level 20 years ago, which is an accomplishment due to the implementation of stricter tobacco control policies such as ratification of the WHO FCTC, an increase of the tobacco tax and price, expansion of the non-smoking area, and introduction of health warnings on the cigarette products. Nonetheless, the smoking prevalence in men is still among the highest in the world and among the OECD countries. Also, the smoking prevalence in men in their 40s and women in their 20s and 30s has been on the increase. Policymakers also face new challenges, as they respond to rapid changes in smoking behaviors of the nation’s population, due to the expansion of new and emerging tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products), and the limited reach of the national smoking-cessation services during the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve the Health Plan 2030 goals, which are strengthening health equity and protecting people’s health from the harms of tobacco, the government ought to take actions fully employing effective policy interventions including both price and non-price policies.


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