Press Release

MOU Signed for Construction of Digital History Museum of Self-Reliance Programs

  • Date 2024-05-14
  • Hits 506

MOU Signed for Construction of Digital History Museum of Self-Reliance Programs

  • To trace the path of self-reliance programs and systematically keep their records to lay the groundwork for passing on their legacy to future generations.

  • To contribute to the advancement of self-reliance programs and policies by analyzing their achievements and limitations.

  • To increase public understanding and interest in self-reliance programs.

From left: Dr. Lee Tae-soo, KIHASA President; Dr. Jeong Hae-sik, President of the Korea Development Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Welfare; and Mr. Lee Jae-ho, President of the Korea Association of Local Self-Support Centers

KIHASA announced on Thursday, May 9, that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Korea Development Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Welfare (KDISSW, President Jeong Hae-sik) and the Korea Association of Local Self-Reliance Centers to cooperate in establishing a Digital History Museum of Self-Reliance Programs.

This MOU was pursued with the aim of highlighting the historical value of self-reliance programs and contributing to the further development of relevant policies, noting that self-reliance programs have not been properly recognized despite the important role they have played in Korean society.

The MOU signing ceremony was attended on behalf of KIHASA by Dr. Lee Tae-soo, President, and Dr. No Dae-myung, Senior Research Fellow, Dr. Jeong Eun-hee, Research Fellow, and Ms. Cho Bo-bae, Researcher, all from the Poverty and Inequality Research Department; on behalf of the Korea Development Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Welfare by Dr. Jeong Hae-sik, Ms. Ahn Mi-hyun, Director of the Self-Sufficiency Policy Support Department, and Ms. Lee Sang-ah, Senior Researcher; and on behalf of the Korea Association of Local Self-Reliance Centers by Mr. Lee Jae-ho, President and Mr. Lee Moon-soo, Secretary General.

Key provisions of the agreement include the systematic collection and preservation of historical documents, records, and other data related to self-reliance programs; the conduct of collaborative research on the historical development and outcomes of self-reliance programs; the storage of the collected documents and data in the Digital History Museum of Self-Reliance Programs and their use for education and outreach; and the formation of an interagency task force and implementation of a joint project to build the Digital History Museum.

The three participating agencies have been closely involved in self-reliance programs:

  • KIHASA, a national research institute for health and welfare policies under the auspices of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences under the Prime Minister’s Office, has conducted research on poverty and welfare policies, including self-reliance programs, envisioning the future of self-reliance programs, and laying the groundwork for their policy development.

  • The Korea Development Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Welfare, an agency under the Ministry of Health and Welfare that specializes in welfare programs for self-reliance, has developed and disseminated various job creation models for self-reliance, provided self-reliance education and assistance, and helped develop participant’s self-reliance skills and capabilities.

  • The Korea Association of Local Self-Reliance Centers has 250 local centers under its supervision and leads the effective support of self-reliance program participants and the balanced development of local self-reliance centers.

KIHASA President Lee Tae-soo said, “It is important to look back at the role and significance of self-reliance programs in our society and explore the way forward. I hope that this agreement will provide us with an opportunity to take a fresh look at the various achievements and meanings of self-reliance programs to date, and to find way to develop them further.”

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