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It's the care, stupid!

  • Date 2024-01-11
  • Hits 257

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Video Description

Type: KIHASA Policy Featurette

Topic: It's the care, stupid

Guest Speaker: Ms. Cho Sang-mi, President, Central Social Services Agency


The Framework Act on Social Security broadly defines social services as covering seven fields: welfare, healthcare, education, employment, housing, culture, and the environment. However, at the core of them all is care. It is care that nurtures all of us. It is through care that we come to have our rights in communities. From a policy point of view, social security consists of social insurance, public aid, and social services. Social insurance includes health insurance, industrial accident insurance, and others, and Korea’s health insurance is considered exemplary in the world. As for public aid and cash assistance for the vulnerable, they have no major issues because many have worked hard to make them as good as they are now. Now is the time to talk more about social services. When social services flow seamlessly like water, benefiting everyone in the community, our country can become a true service state. I hope that our people will become happier, as without happiness, achieving sustainable economic growth is difficult. Therefore, social services, as they heal us and serve as the cornerstone of our daily existence, hold paramount importance.

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