Research in Cards/Videos

Social Services, Why Are They Important?

  • Date 2024-01-11
  • Hits 263

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Video Description

Type: KIHASA Policy Featurette

Topic: Social Services, Why Are They Important?

Guest Speaker: Kim Jin-seok, Seoul Women's University


I’d like to mention perspectives from which we can talk about why social services are important in our lives and what needs to be emphasized. One is ontological. Vulnerability and dependence are human conditions. Every moment of our lives, from birth to death, is conditioned by our vulnerabilities arising from human limitations, and it is a fact of life that we have to rely on others to live through these vulnerabilities. In fact, care is a condition of survival, a necessity across the lifespan for every one of us. The other is a macro perspective, for which we will need to bring in discussions about the development of capitalism and the institutional transitions it brought forth, such as changes in the family structure to nuclear families.

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