
Audit Department

  1. Planning and Implementation of Regular, Employment, Financial, Special Audit
  2. Daily Audit and External Audit Support
  3. Establishment of Integrity, Anti-Corruption and Public Service Discipline
  4. Handling of Complaints and Information Disclosure Requests
  5. Human Rights Management Work and Operation of Human Rights Management Committee
  6. Formation of Evaluation Committee for Purchase of Goods, Outsourcing, Construction, etc.
  7. Public Audit Data Management
  8. Improvement of Audit-related Systems
Audit Department 상세 - 소속, 직위, 이름, 전화번호, 이메일, 연구분야/담당업무를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Dept Position Name Phone
Audit Department Director Park, Jong-Don 044-287-8306
Audit Department Administrative Fellow Cho, Nam-Joo 044-287-8342