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본 연구는 향후 2~3년 이내에 100조원에 이르는 국민연금기금이 국내·국제적인 금융시장 환경이 변화하고 있는 상황에서 기금의 운용목적인 수익성, 안정성, 공공성 원칙 중 수익성 원칙에 입각하여 적절하고, 전문성 있게 운용되었는가를 채권부문과 주식부문으로 나누어 평가해 보았다. 채권부문의 경우 채권별 대표수익률의 변동에 따라 채권가격의 차이를 이용한 차익거래전략의 가능성을 찾아내어, 국민연금관리공단의 채권운용의 기본전략인 매입후 보유전략의 변화가 있어야 하는 것으로 나타났으며, 주식부문의 경우 기존에 보고되었던 보고서에서 사용되었던 Benchmark와는 다른 Benchmark를 구성하여 평가한 결과 Benchmark 대비 주식운용수익이 기존의 성과측정 결과보다 더 낮은 값을 보였다. 기금운용본부가 운영되기 시작한 2000년과 운영되기 이전인 1999년에 거래빈도수가 많았던 주식을 대상으로 모의투자전략을 실행하여 본 결과 주식운용수익이 모의투자전략에 비하여 낮은 성과를 보였다. 2000년부터 기금운용본부가 운용되기 시작하였으나 운용이전과 운용이후의 투자성과에 있어서의 차이가 없어 기금운용본부의 운용에 있어서의 효율성과 합리성이 요구된다.;The National Pension Fund is expected to reach a staggering 100 trillion won within coming 2~3 years. Under this context, the present study aims to evaluate how efficiently and professionally each of the bond and stock components in the Fund has been operated based on the principle of profitability in today's rapidly changing domestic and international financial markets. In evaluating the performance of the bond component, the study finds that the National Pension Corporation needs to be less rigid in pursuing its longstanding buy-and-hold strategy and more open in seeking arbitrage trading opportunities arising from changes in the market rate of return. In the case of the stock component, the study shows, based on a newly created benchmark differing from existing benchmarks that other studies have used, that the Corporation's profit performance can be lower than what other studies have claimed it to be. By applying an investment strategy model to stocks that were frequently traded in 1999 and 2000, which is the year when the Fund Management Center began to operate, the study finds that the profit performance of the Center is lower than that of the strategy model. This study also reveals that there is no tangible difference in the investment performance between before and after the Fund Management Center began to operate, emphasizing the need for more efficiency and flexibility in managing the National Pension Fund.



최근 자원으로서의 시간에 대한 개인의 인식은 인간의 생활을 영위하는 기초적 단위로서 시간의 가치활용도를 높이고 인간관계의 맥락을 심화시키며, 그들의 「삶의 질」을 극대화하는 핵심적인 가치를 부여하는데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 그렇지만 어느 누구에게나 정해져 있는 시간의 양(quantity)을 어떻게 효율적으로 사용하고, 필요한 분야 및 항목에 얼마나 배분하는가에 따라 시간의 질(quality)을 증대시킬 수 있다. 본 연구는 1999년 통계청에서 처음으로 실시한 자료를 심층 분석하는 것이다. 연구목적은 기혼여성의 혼인상태 및 사회경제적 특성에 따라 생활시간 배분이 어떻게 상이한지를 분석하고 문제점을 찾으며, 아울러 효율적 시간활용방안을 제시하고 정책적 지원방안도 함께 모색하는데 있다. 주요 결과는 우리나라 기혼여성의 생활시간 배분은 혼인상태에 따라 현저한 차이가 있었다는 점이다. 아울러 기혼여성의 경제활동여부도 생활시간 배분에 영향을 크게 미치고 있었다. 특히 이혼부인은 생계유지를 위하여 경제활동에 적극 참여해야 하기 때문에 적절한 시간배분에 문제점을 노출시키고 있었다. 이와 같은 일련의 분석연구는 우리나라 부인의 혼인상태, 연령, 경제활동참여 및 직업유형 등의 특성에 따라 생활방식과 삶의 질을 파악하고, 시간자원을 효율적으로 활용하는 데 필요한 기초자료로 제공될 수 있을 것이며, 궁극적으로 여성의 「삶의 질」을 향상시키는 데 기여할 것으로 사료된다.;Individual's view of time as resource has recently been geared toward making the best use of time as the basic unit of human life in order to deepen the context of interpersonal relationships and maximize quality of life. The quality of one's time can be enhanced depending on how efficiently one allocate, manage, and spend the quantity of time. The present study aims to conduct an in depth examination of the first time-allocation survey carried out in Korea by the National Statistical Office in 1999 and analyze differences and identify problems in time allocation among married women according to their marital status and socioeconomic characteristics. Along the way, strategic plans and policy implications are suggested for improving the efficiency of time allocation. Major findings can be summarized as follows. Patterns of time allocation among married women in Korea vary widely depending on their marital status. The largest portion of their time in general is spent on ‘self-care’ which includes time allocated for sleep. However, divorced women are found to spend the next largest portion of their time on work, while widowed women and women with spouse spend the second largest portion their time on 'leisure and friends/acquaintances'. Divorced women are found to spend significantly more time at work than widowed women and women with spouse do. This is presumably a result stemming from the fact that divorced women, unlike women with spouse present, are highly responsible for household livelihood not only because they do not have income-earning husbands, but also because they are generally younger than their widowed counterparts and therefore are less likely to have income-earning children. Divorced and widowed women in their thirties/forties as compared with other groups are found to spend much more time on work. This may be not only because they unlike women with spouse present-must fulfill their responsibilities and role as the main breadwinner for the family, but also because they are more likely to have school-aged children and are responsible for earning money for bringing up and educating them. Unemployed women, regardless of their marital status, are found to spend more time on household and family care than employed women. This implies that there is an accentuated policy need for paying particular heed to social support toward helping divorced women balance their work and family lives. Koreans in general-irrespective of socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, educational level, marital status, and employment status-are found to devote little time to voluntary activities, even during weekends or holidays. Non-working women and elderly people, in particular, spend very limited amount of time participating in voluntary activities despite having relatively much spare time. Divorced and widowed women as compared to women with spouse are found to suffer from lack of time to care for their preschool children due to other obligations. This calls for more policy attention to be placed on the protection of physical and emotional health of children in these female-headed households. For instance, the availability/accessibility of desired services should be ensured through the expansion of home-helper programs, educare centers, and financial aid programs. Based on these results, the following time management strategies and policy options can be considered. First, more time needs to be allocated, especially in the case of married non-working women, to voluntary activities. This can be made possible by reducing time spent on friends/acquaintances, leisure activities, and self-care. Second, it is hard for many divorced and widowed women to allocate much time to household and family care because they are responsible for engaging in income-earning activities. Therefore, social support should be provided to enhance the availability and accessibility of home-helper programs and daycare services. Third, cultural/leisure programs should be developed for working married women who generally have little or no time for leisure and interpersonal relationships. Forth, the longstanding inequalities in gender roles must be redressed. To do this would require men to escape from their traditional ‘male gender role’ and assume an increased, if not equal, role in household tasks and family care.



영유아 예방접종사업은 국가의 중요 보건사업의 하나로 공공보건기관에서 시행하는 여러 사업가운데서도 중요한 서비스이다. 공공부문의 영유아 예방접종사업은 주로 보건소를 통하여 무료로 시행하여 오면서 예방접종률을 높이는 데 큰 기여를 하여왔다. 그러나 짧은 시간에 많은 인원에 대한 예방접종이 이루어져 안전한 예방접종을 위한 인력의 확보, 질적인 사업관리 측면에서 개선의 여지가 많다. 영유아 예방접종 비용부담형태를 보면 공공보건기관 이용자에게는 기본 영유아 예방접종이 무료로 실시되고 있는 반면, 민간의료기관 이용자에게는 유료로 부담하여 실시되고 있다. 이에 따라 예방접종 비용부담에 형평성을 기하지 못하고 있는 측면이 있어 농촌지역을 제외한 도시지역에서는 지역실정을 고려하여 민간의료기관에 영유아 예방접종사업을 일부 위탁하여 영유아 예방접종의 효율성을 추구하고 서비스 접근도에 형평이 이루어져야 한다는 데 대해서 많은 논의가 제기되어 왔다. 본 연구는 공공보건기관중 보건소 영유아 예방접종 업무활동을 활동기준(activitybased) 원가시스템을 이용하여 예방접종별로 서비스 원가를 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구 결과 공공보건기관의 예방접종 원가는 3개 사례연구 지역에서도 각 보건소의 접종규모, 보건소의 조직구조, 인력투입 정도, 시설 투자 정도에 따라 차이를 보였으나 대략적으로 민간의료기관 협정수가의 30~70% 수준을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 아직까지 공공보건기관을 통한 예방접종 비용이 민간에 비하여 저렴하며, 이 부분을 민간에 위임하기 위해서는 국가나 지방정부가 현재보다 훨씬 높은 비용을 지불해야 함을 제시하는 결과라고 하겠다. 공공보건기관의 영유아 예방접종비용을 민간 접종가격과 비교하는 데 있어서 공공보건기관에서는 예방접종을 실시하면서 접종기록관리가 충실히 이루어지고, 접종시 상담과 성장계측 등 예방적 영유아 건강관리가 동반되어 실시될 수 있다는 점이 간과되어서는 안된다는 점이 고려되어야 할 것이다. 이 연구는 향후 예방접종 보험급여화나 민간의료기관으로의 위탁 실시 타당성을 검토하고 합리적인 적정수가나 적정가격을 설정하는 데 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것이다.;Immunization service is one of the most important national public health programs. Health centers have made a great contribution to higher vaccination coverage for infants and children in Korea. But there still remains a need not only to improve the quality of vaccination services, but also to increase their efficiency. At present, health centers provide basic vaccination services in BCG, DTaP, Polio, MMR and Hephatitis-B gratis to infants and children, while private clinics and hospitals charge fees. Thus, there are many ongoing disputes over the equity problem. The purpose of this study is to analyze the unit vaccination cost for infants and children by applying the method of ABC(Activity-based cost) system to three health centers located in Seoul and other one large city. The major findings of this study are as follows. First, the unit cost of vaccination at three health centers varied depending on number of vaccinations, manpower input, and investment in facilities. But the unit cost of vaccination in health centers was found to be only 30~70% of its private counterpart, suggesting that outsourcing of vaccination service to private sector, or covering the vaccination service under health insurance scheme, is likely to exact more government spending than now. Second, the health centers were managing complete and reliable vaccination records. Finally, this study is expected to provide a basic data set for future studies on establishing a policy in respect of proper unit cost and the cooperative role between public sector and private sector in vaccination program in Korea.



이 연구의 목적은 국내·외적으로 급변하는 식품환경에 신속히, 전문적으로 대응하기 위하여 현 우리나라 식품안전관리체계의 현황과 문제점을 파악하고, 외국의 현황을 참고로 개선방안을 도출하는 것이다. 연구방법으로는 국내외 현황과 문제점에 관한 기존 문헌고찰과 개선방안 도출을 위하여 우편조사를 실시하였다. 즉, 향후 식품분야 발전을 위한 대안 마련을 위하여 26명의 식품 전문가들의 의견 수렴을 위한 우편조사를 실시하였고, 전국 224개 지자체를 대상으로 현재 수행되고 있는 식품안전업무에 관한 현황을 파악하였다. 정책적 시사점을 얻기 위해 외국의 식품안전관리체계에 관한 분석은 미국, 영국, 캐나다, 아일랜드, 덴마크 등을 대상으로 1990년대 이후 전환된 식품안전관리체계에 관해 관련 자료 수집 및 분석을 실시하였다. 다원화, 지방분권화, 비전문화와 비과학화, 규제 완화로 규정되는 현 우리나라 식품안전관리체계의 개선방안으로 체계의 일원화, 중앙집권화, 전문화 및 과학화, 일부 규제강화 등이 면밀히 검토되어야 할 것을 전문가 조사결과에 의거하여 제안하였다.;The background of the present research are as follows: ○ A variety of global changes―the increase in number of fatal diseases caused by spoiled foods, rapid changes in international trade area with the launch of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the change of food environment arising from the transition of international trade, the appearance of genetically modified foods―give rise to increasing concerns over food safety. ○ In the wake of such global trends, Korea, experiencing administrative duplications and inefficiencies in food management, faces the pressing needs of enhancing efficiency and achieving specialization in the area. The purposes of the research are as follows: ○ Investigate the current condition and problems of food administration in Korea. ○ Analyze foreign food administration. ○ Evaluate the ability of municipal offices in undertaking food administration and survey concerned public servants' recognition of food administration. ○ Survey recognition of consumers, specialists, and business regarding food administration. The results of research are as follows: ○ Integration of food safety administration ? The structure of future food administrative system should be designed to take the responsibility for maximizing the preparedness and reliability of food safety administration and to fulfill the need for integrating food safety administration agencies ○ Centralization of food safety administration ? Prevalent, deep-rooted administrative malpractices, including loose control, feeble administrative measures, should be extirpated. Administrative responsibilities that have been transferred from metropolis administration to ward offices should be returned to promote transparency and appropriateness of food safety management. ○ Modernization food administration ? International trends in food safety administration urge us to take scientific path to food safety administration. If Korea fails to measure up to WTO's new standards and norms that apply equally to both domestic and imported food products, then it also fails to enter the competitive arena of free and open global trade. ○ Specialization of food administration ? Additional human resources need to be supplied and deployed to resolve the problems of manpower. Also, offices in charge of food administration should be specialized by creating more jobs in food administration sector and hiring new people who have a degree in food sanitation. ? Public officials in food administration sector should be given ample opportunities to have complementary, updated educational programs.

Health and
Social Welfare Review